Privacy Policy

Yaufey Statement

Yaufey collects customer information to improve your overall website navigation experience with us. We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining and using this information responsibly.

Information Collection and Use

Yaufey is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will not sell, share, rent or exchange this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement. All information gathered by Yaufey through your visit, is kept strictly confidential and will not be distributed to any company or individual. Ever. Any personal information you provide to us on our website when you sign our mailing list,or request information (i.e. name, address, e-mail address, telephone number) is maintained in private files on our secure Web server and our internal systems. Yaufey will not sell, rent nor share your email address with others for them to send you unsolicited email.

About "cookies"

Although Yaufey will use "cookies" to track user patterns on its web site, Yaufey will not use cookies to learn the identity of its users, nor attempt to track users after they leave the Yaufey site. Further, cookies will not be used by Yaufey to gather specific personal information about individual, and Yaufey will not participate in any external site tracking programs. Nor will we share any cookie-generated information about individual users or user patterns.

Protection of Your Personal Information

We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our Site.
No method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100%, however. While the Company uses reasonable efforts to protect your Personal Information, Company cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Disclosure of Your Personal Information

We disclose your Personal Information as described in this Policy. We may share your Personal Information with third party service providers to fulfill orders placed by Users on our Site, process payments, provide you with the services that we offer through our Site, conduct quality assurance testing, facilitate creation of accounts, provide technical support, and/or other services. We may use third-party service providers to help us operate our business and the Site or administer activities on our behalf, such as sending out SMS messages, promotions, newsletters or surveys.
We will never sell your Personal Information or make it available to any third parties without your consent except where required to do so by law or in the event that we sell any part of our business or assets.

Disclosure of Anonymous Data

We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any Personal Information regarding visitors and Users with our business partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes outlined above.

Policy Updates

Our privacy policy is subject to change regularly/periodically, without notice. To ensure the updates on changes, kindly review the privacy policy periodically. This privacy policy doesn't apply to any of our business partners/franchisee/associates or other third parties. Kindly review the privacy policy of other parties with whom you may interact.

Choice and Opt-Out

If you no longer wish to receive the Company's promotional communications, you may "opt-out" of receiving them by following the instructions included in each communication or by e-mailing the Company at